About the Journal

The Journal of Humanity & Social Justice provides an internationally unique forum for leading research on the themes of humanity and social justice includes social, cultural, economics, politics, history, spiritual, and philosophical approaches. The journal explores links with equality and equity in housing, health, education, economic and human rights, as well as issues of ethnicity, racial, gender, disability, aging, violence, peace, immigration, segregation, religion, minority, poverty, globalization, land economy, enviromental justice, and other social inequalities as they relate to humanity and social justice.  

The Journal encompasses an original research papers in multidisciplinary approach advances the integration of diverse social and humanities sciences perspectives and lively policy- and practice-oriented discussions of topical questions. 

Interdisciplinary and international in scope the journal is essential reading for academics, students, policy-makers and practitioners interested in humanity and social justice issues.

The Journal of Humanity & Social Justice welcomes submissions from those working in these areas across the globe. All research articles are peer-reviewed. This interdisciplinary journal is annually published in January and July.


Instructions for Authors


Types of articles

The Journal of Humanity & Social Justice is looking for three types of articles as following:

  • Research Articles should be around 4000 to 8000 words (including references) in length (or longer by agreement with the editor). Authors should make clear the policy context, reference only directly relevant literature, adopt an intelligible structure and a lucid style, use rigorous argument and reach strong conclusions. An abstract of not more than 300 words should be included.
  • Policy and Practice is concerned with policy ideas and themes emanating from pressure groups and think tanks, and also provides updates on new developments, issues, legislation and reviews especially with reference to human rights and social justice. Contributions should be around 1500 to 3000 words (including references).
  • Book reviews should be around 1500 to 3000 words (including references). The authors should provide a strong reason that a particular book is important to be discuss in this journal. The article also should offer a brief overview of the book with particular emphasis on the contribution the book makes to humanity and social justice issues.



How to Submit

All submissions should be made online at the Journal of Humanity & Social Justice Editorial Manager website: https://ojs.isjn.or.id/index.php/jhsj/about/submissions, in Word or Rich Text Format (not pdf). New users should first create an account, specify their areas of interest and provide full contact details. 

Submissions must be completely anonymized and uploaded without preliminary details, such as title, author, affiliations, abstract or keywords in the text file. All submissions will be subject to anonymous peer-review processes (unless stated otherwise) by referees currently working in the appropriate field. 

The editors aim to provide quick decisions and to ensure that submission to publication takes the minimum possible time. Please note: submissions that, in the opinion of the editors, have not been anonymized for review will be returned to authors. The final decision on publication rests with the managing editors.